F# Bloggers

Blog articles of F# Bloggers

on 1/1/2014 6:46 PM
Last post, we have set up the Ghost blogging site on Windows Azure. In this post, we will continue customizing our Ghost site by changing the theme as well as add Disqus comment. By changing the theme, you can either fork the default casper theme and modify it or you can look for a new … Continue reading →
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on 1/1/2014 3:18 PM
Only one desktop application that I miss on Windows RT is the Windows Live Writer. WLW works well with blogging sites like WordPress and making writing blog post a breeze. While monitoring my twitter feed talking about WLW, Scott Hanselman has mentioned Ghost and MiniBlog which is a dedicated blogging platforms. Both Ghost and MiniBlog looks … Continue reading →
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on 12/29/2013 4:04 PM
If you’d like to support the Durandal project, please back their Kickstarter project With Visual Studio 2013 One ASP.NET Web Project, I couldn’t find a way to choose Durandal SPA Template directly even after I install the VSIX file. The easiest way is to create an empty MVC project and install the entire starter kit … Continue reading →
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on 12/23/2013 4:21 PM
The latest version of the SQL provider can be found on github or at nuget.   PostgreSQL The provider now has support for connecting to PostgreSQL databases! How exciting. Like SQLite, this new mode uses dynamic assembly loading and is based on the .NET connector libraries here.   Once you have your Npgsql libraries you can connect yourself up easily as so: type sql = SqlDataProvider< @"Server=localhost;Port=5432;Database=world;user=postgres;password=sekret;",  Common.DatabaseProviderT[...]
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on 12/14/2013 11:29 AM
The SqlProvider now supports experimental SQLite access. You can achieve this by supplying the SQL provider some additional static parameters type sql = SqlDataProvider< @"Data Source=F:\sqlite\northwindEF.db;Version=3",Common.DatabaseProviderTypes.SQLITE,@"F:\sqlite\3\" > As you can see, you can now pass SQLITE as the DatabaseVendor static parameter, along with a valid SQLite specific connection string. The third parameter is ResolutionPath.  This is required for a few reasons - the first is that I do not[...]
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