F# Bloggers

Blog articles of F# Bloggers

on 12/12/2013 7:12 AM
I’m building a small compiler for a toy language which emits .NET executables, implemented in F#. Demo compilers are a dime a dozen, but there are a few things which make this project distinct: No lexer or parser generators are used. The entire compiler is written from the ground up, and is intended to be fairly [...]
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on 12/10/2013 11:35 AM
The cool thing about the Raspberry Pi is that it is really really cheap and really really popular. Until recently the worst thing about the Raspberry Pi has been the lack of hardfp version of Mono, leaving us .NET developers … Continue reading →
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on 12/8/2013 3:31 PM
Introducing my latest type provider, designed to query general SQL databases.  This is very much an alpha cut, it is by no means feature complete, is still a mess in various areas and has only been tested on a very limited selection of databases.  I will provide a brief overview of its main features and lack thereof, followed by a fairly detailed explanation of the most prominent features.  There's other features not discussed here, hopefully there will be some followups to this in the coming weeks, along [...]
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on 11/23/2013 5:30 PM
If you have been developing software for a while, you should already realize how essential unit testing is for your project. However, for F# programmer, Visual Studio doesn’t come with F# Unit Test Project. As F# is one of CLI languages, you can either use C# Unit Test Project or use F# syntax to test … Continue reading →
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on 11/1/2013 3:00 PM
I recently bought an iPhone 5S (this is partly why I’ve taken a short detour from the platform game – this will resume in my next post!). Once again Apple have managed to create hype around a new CPU which … Continue reading →
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