F# Bloggers

Blog articles of F# Bloggers

on 10/13/2013 3:09 PM
So far in this series I’ve covered how to build a largely static screen in SpriteKit. Today I’m going to cover 2 things I’m going to move our dude from left to right under force I’m going to scroll the … Continue reading →
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on 9/26/2013 8:48 AM
Coursera, Udacity, MIT Open Courseware, and other such sites are useful to me because they decouple the desire to learn college-level material from the expense and regulations of earning (another) diploma. The latter isn’t compelling to me today, but the former certainly is. I’ve now taken three Coursera courses: Functional Programming Principles in Scala, Social Network [...]
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on 9/25/2013 6:03 PM
In the previous post I spoke briefly about motivations for implementing self-organizing maps in F# using GPU with CUDA. I have finally been able to outperform a single threaded C++ implementation by a factor of about 1.5. This is quite modest, but on the other hand rather impressive since we started out by being 60 […]
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on 9/25/2013 8:17 AM
I wrote a 15*15, NYT-style crossword puzzle for Strange Loop. On the NYT difficulty scale, it’s roughly a Wednesday-level puzzle. However, it was written for Strange Loop and thus does presume familiarity with functional programming and math, and has a few "inside jokes." You can find the puzzle and the solution on the Strange Loop wiki. Share [...]
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on 9/24/2013 7:17 PM
By 2017, it is expected that GPUs will no longer be an external accelerator to a CPU; instead, CPUs and GPUs will be integrated on the same die with a unified memory architecture. Such a system eliminates some of accelerator architectures’ historical challenges, including requiring the programmer to manage multiple memory spaces, suffering from bandwidth […]
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