F# Bloggers

Blog articles of F# Bloggers

on 9/6/2013 2:15 PM
Recently, Cesar De Souza began moving his .NET machine learning library, Accord.NET, from Google Code to GitHub. The move is still in progress, but that motivated me to take a closer look at the library; given that it is built in C#, with an intended C# usage in mind, I wanted to see how usable it is from F#. There is a lot in the library; as a starting point, I decided I would try out its Support Vector Machine (SVM), a classic machine learning algorithm, and run it on a classic problem, automatically rec[...]
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on 9/2/2013 1:17 PM
A few years ago I gave birth to the validation framework that I felt was uniquely capable of addressing complex …Continue reading →
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on 9/1/2013 7:39 PM
I have been back for about a week now, after nearly three weeks on the road, talking about F# all over the US. The first day I woke up in my own bed, my first thought was “where am I again? And where am I speaking tonight?”, now life is slowly getting back to normal, and I thought it would be a good time to share some impressions from the trip. I am very proud to have inaugurated two new F# meetup groups during that trip! The Washington DC F# meetup, organized by @devshorts, is off to a great start, we ha[...]
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on 8/25/2013 2:54 PM
About a month ago, FSharp.Data  released version 1.1.9, which contains some very nice improvements – you can find them listed on Gustavo Guerra’s blog. I was particularly excited by the changes made to the CSV Type Provider, because they make my life digging through datasets even simpler, but couldn’t find the time to write about it, because of my recent cross-country peregrinations. Now that I am back, let’s talk about why this update made me so happy, with a concrete example. My latest week-end project [...]
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on 7/28/2013 8:21 AM
That's right.. the type provider everyone has been waiting for, the choose your own adventure type provider! This is completely pointless and silly, something I just wrote this afternoon.  I had various discussions with Phil Trelford about this and finally decided to do it. Unfortunately none of the real CYOA books are out of copyright and there appears to be very little in the way of other free ones that I can  find.  I did however find this one rather silly story on smashwords which is free, it's not qui[...]
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