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on 6/17/2013 8:32 PM
In the previous post, we derived a class from BubbleChart and this got us started on actually visualizing some meaningful data using bubbles. There are a couple of things to iron out before a visual can appear. Color Schemes I am using Cynthia Brewer color schemes, available for download in colorbrewer.css. This file is available […]
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on 5/28/2013 5:56 AM
No matter how fast and vast your infrastructure, at some point you find that it’s not enough or it’s not …Continue reading →
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on 5/27/2013 3:02 PM
Previously: Visualizing Crime with d3: Intro Data and Visualization In order to make a bubble chart in d3 (the one similar to the Obama Budget 2013), using CoffeeScript, you need to: Download a few files from my git hub (you’ll need coffee/BubbleChartSingle.coffee, css/visuals.css, css/colorbrewer.css) Define a class in a .coffee file: I also define a couple of […]
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on 5/27/2013 7:09 AM
Having built a system in Event-Driven SOA fashion I’ve come to realize that the moniker applied to this style of …Continue reading →
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on 5/26/2013 3:06 PM
I got interested in the following question lately: given a data set of examples with some continuous-valued features and discrete classes, what’s a good way to reduce the continuous features into a set of discrete values? What makes this question interesting? One very specific reason is that some machine learning algorithms, like Decision Trees, require discrete features. As a result, potentially informative data has to be discarded. For example, consider the Titanic dataset: we know the age of passengers [...]
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