F# Bloggers

Blog articles of F# Bloggers

on 4/14/2013 6:20 PM
Last Thursday, I gave a talk at the Bay.NET user group in Berkeley, introducing F# to C# developers. First off, I have to thank everybody who came – you guys were great, lots of good questions, nice energy, I had a fantastic time! My goal was to highlight why I think F# is awesome, and of course this had to include a Type Provider demo, one of the most amazing features of F# 3.0. So I went ahead, and demoed Tomas Petricek’s World Bank Type Provider, and Howard Mansell’s R Type Provider – together. The prom[...]
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on 4/3/2013 8:13 AM
With NuGet finally bringing .NET dependency management into 21st century, an outstanding problem remaining for anyone who does custom builds …Continue reading →
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on 3/28/2013 11:42 AM
I see sometimes debates sparking over smart UIs and where domain logic should go. My view has always been that …Continue reading →
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on 3/27/2013 1:04 PM
on 3/25/2013 4:33 PM
My trajectory through “Machine Learning in Action” is becoming more unpredictable as we go – this time, rather than completing our last episode on K-means clustering (we’ll get back to it later), I’ll make another jump directly to Chapter 14, which is dedicated to Singular Value Decomposition, and convert the example from Python to F#. The chapter illustrates how Singular Value Decomposition (or SVD in short) can be used to build a collaborative recommendation engine. We will follow the chapter pretty clos[...]
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