F# Bloggers

Blog articles of F# Bloggers

on 3/24/2013 8:45 PM
on 3/16/2013 4:04 PM
Mondrian is one of those modern painters whose work everyone recognizes, even though few people will quote his name. He also happens to be one of my favorite artists – in spite of their simple geometric structure, I find his pieces strangely beautiful: “Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow”, from Wikipedia I have been hard at work on some pretty dry stuff lately, and needed a bit of a change of pace, and ended up spending a couple of hours coding a simple Mondrianizer in F#: give it a picture, and it w[...]
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on 3/11/2013 8:47 AM
Over the years since finding out about Domain-Driven Design I went through several iterations of grokking it.  I’ve also seen other people completely miss …Continue reading →
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on 3/4/2013 1:05 PM
This is a part 3 of the series started in part 1 and part 2. One of the things that …Continue reading →
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on 3/3/2013 4:01 PM
Recently, I had a few interesting discussions on F# code readability. One argument I often hear about F# is that by virtue of its succinctness, it increases the signal-to-noise ratio. I certainly found this to be true: when the entire code fits on your screen, and you don’t have to scroll around to figure out what is going on, navigating a code base becomes significantly simpler. Relatedly, because the F# syntax is so much lighter than C#, some of my coding habits evolved. I stick to the “one public type p[...]
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