Dave Thomas's blog articles

on 1/22/2012 4:28 AM
This is going to be a new series on using TPL Dataflow with F#. First a little bit of history and background. TPL Dataflows heritage and background TPL Dataflow or (TDF) has been around for quite a while, it first surfaced more than a year ago as the successor to the Concurrency and Coordination Runtime (CCR) and with coming release of .Net 4.5 it will be part of the System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow namespace. Elements of the now halted project Axum are also present within the design of TDF. Concurrenc[...]
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on 1/22/2012 4:28 AM
This is going to be a new series on using TPL Dataflow with F#. First a little bit of history and background. <h2 id="TPL_Dataflows_
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on 1/8/2012 2:30 PM
Well I finally did it, I moved my blog from Wordpress to Octopress, what drove me to make this move? Well, there were a few factors involved… I found the following problems and frustrations with Wordpress: Changing a Wordpress theme is somewhat of a black art. My blog didn’t look its best on mobile devices, there was no fluid layout. Wordpress seems to introduce a fair bit of latency for somethings thats essentially a simple task i.e. get some text from a database. Reliance on a database. All my post w[...]
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on 12/11/2011 3:30 PM
Due to popular demand… well, I had a couple of requests anyway :-) So heres my post inspired by my recent encounters profiling some of the code in Fracture-IO.  I have recently been profiling the code in fracture to remove any so called low hanging fruits.  During this time I also noticed an increase in [...]
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on 12/11/2011 3:30 PM
Due to popular demand… well, I had a couple of requests anyway :-) Heres a post inspired by my recent encounters profiling some of the code in Fracture-IO.  I have recently been profiling the code in fracture to remove any so called low hanging fruits. During this time I also noticed an increase in memory allocation.  I remembered I had recently been experimenting in a branch using pipelets as a buffer between the send and receive stages in the Http Server, so I set up a simple test to see if pipelets were[...]
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