Dave Thomas's blog articles

on 12/11/2011 3:30 PM
Due to popular demand… well, I had a couple of requests anyway :-) Heres a post inspired by my recent encounters profiling some of the code in Fracture-IO.
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on 9/13/2011 4:08 PM
Well, I didn’t think I would be doing this but heres some of the sessions Im looking forward to watching from this years Build conference. Server / Cloud Obviously first up is the F# 3.0 session by Don Syme, really looking forward to this session! F# 3.0: data, services, Web, cloud, at your fingertips Modern programming thrives on rich spaces of data, information and services. With F# 3.0 and Visual Studio 11, you now have a tool that massively simplifies information-rich analytical programming. F# 3.[...]
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on 9/13/2011 4:08 PM
Well, I didn’t think I would be doing this but heres some of the sessions Im looking forward to watching from this years Build conference… First up is the Server+Cloud section, this section contains the only F# presentation which is disappointing. Server+Cloud Obviously first up is the F# 3.0 session by Don Syme, really looking [...]
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on 8/22/2011 3:30 PM
SOLID and its relevance to F# There has been an increasing amount of exposure for F# and functional programming lately.  If you come from an object-orientated background a change in mindset is required when working with functional programming, there is a lot of misinformation on functional languages and their relationship with object-orientated design. In this post we run quickly through SOLID to see if these object-orientated principles apply to F#, and if so, how. This post assumes you are familiar wi[...]
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on 8/22/2011 3:30 PM
SOLID and its relevance to F#  There has been an increasing amount of exposure for F# and functional programming lately.  If you come from an object-orientated background a change in mindset is required when working with functional programming, there is a lot of misinformation on functional languages and their relationship with object-orientated design. In this [...]
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