Dave Thomas's blog articles

on 3/11/2012 4:58 PM
In this edition we are going to be doing a taste test, C# vs F#. Oh yeah, if you quickly glanced at the title you may have thought this was a recipe for black scones, as interesting and tasty as that may be, unfortunately its going to be finance related. I recently presented a paper on the benefits of F#, part of this was a comparison of the famous Black-Scholes equation in both C# and F#. I was mainly going to be looking at code succinctness and the inherent suitability of the language for calculation [...]
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on 2/19/2012 11:30 PM
This will be the last post on rebuilding the MailboxProcessor using TDF, here’s a quick discussion of the missing pieces… First, lets start with the simple ones, these don’t really require much discussion. DefaultTimeout 1 2 3 4 5 let mutable defaultTimeout = Timeout.Infinite member x.DefaultTimeout with get() = defaultTimeout and set(value) = defaultTimeout <- value This simply provides a mutable property using Timeout.Infinite as a default setting. CurrentQueueLength 1 member x.CurrentQu[...]
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on 2/19/2012 11:30 PM
This will be the last post on rebuilding the MailboxProcessor using <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/devlabs/gg58558
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on 1/29/2012 11:49 PM
Right, no messing about this time, straight to the code. ConstructionThis is pretty straight forward a
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on 1/29/2012 11:49 PM
Right, no messing about this time, straight to the code. Construction This is pretty straight forward and I don’t want to detract from the important bits of this post, the only thing of note is the cancellationToken which is initialized to a default value using the defaultArg function if the optional parameter cancellationToken is not supplied. The TDF construct that we to use to perform most of the hard work is incomingMessages which is a BufferBlock<'Msg>. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 type DataflowAgent<'Msg>(init[...]
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