Dave Thomas's blog articles

on 11/3/2012 11:31 AM
So what have I been up to lately? Well, lots of different things. I have been taking it easy on the open source and blogging side of things as its been a hectic time of late in my personal life. This seems to be changing now so I’m starting to get all of the ideas spinning around in my head into physical reality, or virtual reality, or what ever you want to call it. Anyway, here’s the first post on the subject of programming in F# using MonoDevelop and Mono natively on Macs.
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on 8/27/2012 6:40 AM
If I walk into my garage now and open up a toolbox, whats inside? Here’s a quick selection: Ball-peen hammer Jointer plane 1/2 inch mortise chisel Soldering iron Set square Low angle block plane Torx screw drivers Hack saw Monkey wrench Pipe cutter Notice it doesn’t just contain: A sledge hammer. Different tools have different purposes, you wouldn’t use a hammer and try to cut down a tree, or use a chisel to hammer a nail.
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on 8/27/2012 6:40 AM
on 7/15/2012 12:13 PM
Deep in the darkest depths lurks an ancient horror, when the time is right it will rise forth and leave you screaming for mercy and begging for forgiveness… OK, I have a penchant for being over dramatic but in this post I am going to reveal some little known caveats in a well known and much revelled area of F#, agents aka the MailboxProcessor. Gasp! First let me give you a demonstration: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 open System open System.Di[...]
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on 7/15/2012 12:13 PM
Deep in the darkest depths lurks an ancient horror, when the time is right it will rise forth and leave you screaming for me
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