Scala Days 2013 / Scala.js: write in Scala for the browser

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Ever dreamed of writing you next Rich Internet Application in Scala, enjoying all the Scala goodness, but not sacrificing JavaScript interoperability? Then come and meet Scala.js, a JavaScript backend for Scala. Scala.js compiles full-fledged Scala code down to JavaScript, which can be integrated in your Web application. It provides very good interoperability with JavaScript code, both from Scala.js to JavaScript and vice versa. E.g., use jQuery and HTML5 from your Scala.js code, either in a typed or untyped way. Or create Scala.js objects and call their methods from JavaScript. For the most part of the talk, we will show off Scala.js and its features through some examples and code samples. We will then present our future plans for Scala.js, and we'll be very interested in knowing what *you* want Scala.js to be.


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Sébastien Doeraene (sebastien.doeraene)


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