Community for F# / Erlang?

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The functional programming language Erlang is battle-tested, open-source, and runs great on Windows, Mac and Linux (both Intel and ARM). What makes it so different from other languages (including functional ones)? How does Erlang solve hard problems that other languages fail at? How can any language have "reliability, distribution, and concurrency" as sweet spots? How can the F# community use Erlang?

About Bryan Hunter:

Bryan Hunter: Firefly Logic founder and partner; C# and Erlang developer; Microsoft MVP; NashDotNet cheerleader; ENTP; papa of three; artist.You can say hi to Bryan on Twitter (@bryan_hunter), read his blog at, and see what Firefly Logic is all about


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2012-12-04 Erlang? from Ryan Riley on Vimeo.

Bryan Hunter (bryan_hunter)


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