Oskar Gewalli's blog articles

on 8/16/2012 8:43 AM
We are waiting for VS2012. What will impact work experience most will probably be the user interface changes as described in: Visual Studio 11 User Interface Updates Coming in RC One thing I don’t understand is the preference for all caps. The interface is riddles with them. However Richard Banks describes howto prevent VS2012 ALL CAPS menus, so there might be hope yet.
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on 7/31/2012 12:36 AM
Yesterday I spent hours trying to figure out why a checkbox did not get checked (visually). When debugging the knockout code, it was clear that the DOM elements got checked. They did not update visually until another checkbox got checked. I tried other methods of checking the checkbox (both setAttribute and jquery) to no affect. What was even weirder is that it works the same in both chrome and IE. To reproduce, click on the first checkbox and then the second in this fiddle. I got the question if I had a c[...]
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on 7/31/2012 12:36 AM
Yesterday I spent hours trying to figure out why a checkbox did not get checked (visually). When debugging the knockout code, it was clear that the DOM elements got checked. They did not update visually until another checkbox got checked. I tried other methods of checking the checkbox (both setAttribute and jquery) to no affect. What was even weirder is that it works the same in both chrome and IE. To reproduce, click on the first checkbox and then the second in this fiddle. I got the question if I had a[...]
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on 7/24/2012 11:30 AM
Many programmers and engineers I’ve met say when asked about philosophy: I don’t really care for it. It’s obsolete because of science. Could it be that it’s the engineering point of view? The view that some scientist (tool maker) cooks up the tools that the engineers use? Thus: truth and reality is simply handed down from a more trustworthy source. Science picks up the tab Science ( trademark of modern civilization ) has thus replaced philosophy ( funny thoughts by bearded old men ). However, the p[...]
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on 7/24/2012 11:30 AM
Many programmers and engineers I’ve met say when asked about philosophy:<blockquote class="tr_bq"> - I don’t really care for it. It’s obsolete because of science.</blockquote> Could it be that it’s the engineering point of view? The view that some scientist (tool maker) cooks up the tools that the engineers use? Thus: truth and reality is simply handed down from a more trustworthy source.<h4> Science picks up the tab</h4> Science ( trademark of modern civilization ) has thus replaced philosophy ( funny th[...]
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