Oskar Gewalli's blog articles

on 6/10/2012 5:21 AM
Refusing? As a developer, assume that you are given technology or tool X and told that you need to create Y using it. Sometime it's just getting down to business and getting it done. Sometimes you realize that using said technology is a mistake. It could be that the technology isn't appropriate for the task. It could be that there are simpler cheaper solutions (things that take less of your time). It could also be that you feel that it's outside of your job: Like asking an accountant to do the floors.[...]
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on 6/3/2012 12:08 PM
We dont event know how old instruments are  The earliest type of instrument is thought to be flutes. According to wikipedia this technology could be as old as 43,400 and 67,000 years. Simple devices for making rhythm where probably made: drums, rattles. But since they are usually composed of organic matter, they would decompose leaving little trace. Without knowing much I would guess that humans developed stringed instruments relatively early. My unscientific guess is that these kinds of instruments devel[...]
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on 6/3/2012 12:08 PM
We dont event know how old instruments are  The earliest type of instrument is thought to be flutes. According to wikipedia this technology could be as old as 43,400 and 67,000 years. Simple devices for making rhythm where probably made: drums, rattles. But since they are usually composed of organic matter, they would decompose leaving little trace. Without knowing much I would guess that humans developed stringed instruments relatively early. My unscientific guess is that these kinds of instruments devel[...]
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on 5/25/2012 5:22 AM
We had a small problem with one of the open source components that we use. One of my coworkers had to make a small alteration to that component (he isn’t using git at work). The github for windows program makes interacting with github very easy on windows. All he had to do was to install the program (easy installation) and clone his fork. Really useful for this kind of work.
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on 5/25/2012 5:22 AM
We had a small problem with one of the open source components that we use. One of my coworkers had to make a small alteration to that component (he isn’t using git at work). The github for windows program makes interacting with github very easy on windows. All he had to do was to install the program (easy installation) and clone his fork. Really useful for this kind of work.
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