Oskar Gewalli's blog articles

on 10/2/2012 11:24 PM
One of the fears is that the days of PC is considered over. That we there will be a massive shift towards a reduction of the interface. Some have pointed out that the start screen on Windows 8: It’s Almost Not Terrible. Gartner sums it up in a word: Bad for desktops (however he also says that it’s very fine on touch device). This all sounds very odd. However, the negativity mostly centered around how to use the start screen on a desktop might not be such a big deal. Hanselman among others assures that you[...]
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on 10/2/2012 12:38 PM
Coffeescript has been heralded as a way to avoid some of the nastiness of JavaScript. Now Anders Hejlsberg introduces a new addition to the story: TypeScript. I read this from a pal that linked to a blog post. The geist of the post is a slight positive note, but the author notes that IntelliSense is missing for editors other than Visual Studio. If the license is good (it’s in Apache license), the language additions are relevant, there might be people that get some of it to work in another editor.
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on 10/2/2012 12:38 PM
Coffeescript has been heralded as a way to avoid some of the nastiness of javascript. Now Anders Hejlsberg introduces a new addition to the story: Typescript. I read this from a pal that linked to a blog post. The geist of the post is a slight positive note, but the author notes that intellisense is missing for editors other than visual studio. If the license is good (it’s in Apache license), the language additions are relevant, there might be people that get some of it to work in another editor.
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on 9/24/2012 11:13 PM
I had some trouble where a simple parser would take a bit of time. Turns out that there were many ways of improving this performance. I rewrote it to use the xml reader instead to be able to do these improvements. Some funky bugs got squished. The reader is a bit low level compared to niceties such as Nokogiri (in hindsight, maybe I should have been using). By using this class I could avoid some funkyness of XmlDocument having to cope with wierd xml at the expense of having less appealing code: LogEntryPar[...]
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on 9/24/2012 11:13 PM
I had some trouble where a simple parser would take a bit of time. Turns out that there were many ways of improving this performance. I rewrote it to use the xml reader instead to be able to do these improvements. Some funky bugs got squished. The reader is a bit low level compared to niceties such as Nokogiri (in hindsight, maybe I should have been using). By using this class I could avoid some funkyness of XmlDocument having to cope with wierd xml at the expense of having less appealing code: LogEntryPar[...]
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