Yan Cui's blog articles

on 1/30/2011 12:23 PM
I saw this tutorial the other day, it’s cool but I fancied taking it a step further and make it useful as an app rather than just a fancy way to show some structured data on the screen. Here’s a list of the features which I wanted to add: being able to edit the title [...]
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on 1/22/2011 2:10 PM
In part 4, I put together the foundations for a mini shooting game, with targets moving on the screen and you can ‘hit’ them by clicking inside the targets, etc. etc. I promised an update to make it feel more like a game, so here it is! Adding a background The black background was more [...]
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on 1/21/2011 5:53 PM
Following on from part 3 where we basically made a little app that lets you scribble with HTML5’s canvas element, let us push on and see what else we can achieve with the canvas element. The logical next step would be to made animations, and give you a way to interact with the animation. So [...]
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on 1/15/2011 6:14 PM
Java vs C# As Jon Skeet pointed out in this excellent article on closures, the strategies of capturing the execution context which the behaviour is bound to different between Java and C#. C# captures the variable itself, whereas Java captures the value of the variable. To illustrate the difference, here’s Jon’s original example in C#: [...]
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on 1/15/2011 8:58 AM
In my last post I explained the difference between the techniques of Currying and Partial Application, following on where there let me show you how you might apply these two techniques in F#, Javascript and C#. F# Starting with F#, being a functional language it makes currying and partial application dead easy (considering that they [...]
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