Yan Cui's blog articles

on 10/2/2019 4:00 PM
Presently sponsored by Blue Matador: You've automated your infrastructure with serverless. Now automate your monitoring alerts with Blue Matador. Stop configuring alerts for your Lambda functions, just use Blue Matador. We're so confident you'll love it that we're offering $100 to demo it with our team. Last week, someone asked me at the AWS User Group in The Hague “Is caching still relevant for serverless applications?”  The assumption there is that Lambda auto-scales by traffic, so do we still need to wo[...]
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on 9/29/2019 4:00 PM
Presently sponsored by Blue Matador: You've automated your infrastructure with serverless. Now automate your monitoring alerts with Blue Matador. Stop configuring alerts for your Lambda functions, just use Blue Matador. We're so confident you'll love it that we're offering $100 to demo it with our team. Update 01/10/2019: a few of you have mentioned layers in the comments or on social media. Scroll to the bottom to see my thoughts on layers as a solution to the problems I mentioned in this post. A version [...]
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on 9/1/2019 12:31 PM
Presently sponsored by Snap.hr: Snap.hr is a transparent job hunting platform built for developers by developers. On Snap.hr, 3rd party recruiters are banned, and companies are always upfront about the role and salary. Snap puts developers in the driving seat, so you never feel hassled or left waiting. It's how hiring should be. Disclaimer: if you’re new to CloudFormation custom resources, then I recommend you start by reading this excellent post by Alex Debrie first. Custom resources bring a whole new dim[...]
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on 8/24/2019 6:35 PM
Presently sponsored by Snap.hr: Snap.hr is a transparent job hunting platform built for developers by developers. On Snap.hr, 3rd party recruiters are banned, and companies are always upfront about the role and salary. Snap puts developers in the driving seat, so you never feel hassled or left waiting. It's how hiring should be. Hi, welcome to another weekly update :-) Let’s welcome Snap.hr as this month’s sponsor! Snap.hr is a transparent job hunting platform built for developers by developers. On Snap.hr[...]
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on 8/23/2019 6:00 AM
Presently sponsored by Snap.hr: Snap.hr is a transparent job hunting platform built for developers by developers. On Snap.hr, 3rd party recruiters are banned, and companies are always upfront about the role and salary. Snap puts developers in the driving seat, so you never feel hassled or left waiting. It's how hiring should be. Recently, I have been helping a client implement an event-sourced system. In the process, I put together a very simple demo app to illustrate how one could build such a system usin[...]
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