Sean Corfield's blog articles

on 3/26/2012 8:41 PM
When I wrote my summary of the conference, I forgot something very important: you can download nearly all of the Clojure/West 2012 presentations from github. Some of the files are quite large so you may not be able to simply view the raw PDF on github - you will probably have to clone the repo locally.
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on 3/23/2012 12:03 AM
My team recently attended the first Clojure/West conference in San Jose, organized by Alex Miller, the man behind the incredible Strange Loop conference. Back in November, I attended the second Clojure/conj conference (my first) with one of my team, who took the three day Clojure training course. The training course was a bit of a firehose and during one of the conference sessions, my colleague asked me whether he was supposed to understand these (mostly very advanced) talks. The conj i[...]
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on 3/1/2012 1:52 PM 0.1.3 has been released. This includes support for SQLite 3 and improves support for Microsoft SQL Server, as well as a bug fix for prepared statements and some documentation improvements. Release 0.1.3 on 2012-02-29 Fix generated keys inside transactions for SQLite3 JDBC-26 Release 0.1.2 on 2012-02-29 Handle prepared statement params correctly JDBC-23 Add support for SQLite3 JDBC-26 Replace replicate (deprecated) with repeat JDBC-27 Ensure MS SQL Server passes tests with both [...]
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on 2/11/2012 7:16 PM
I was chatting with @iorayne a.k.a. Raynes (IRC) a.k.a. Anthony Grimes today in #leiningen about changes required for plugins in the upcoming Leiningen 2.0 release. I was interested in updating my lein-fw1 plugin so it would work with both Leiningen 1.x and Leiningen 2.0. Raynes pointed out that lein-fw1 was really just a template - it generates new skeleton FW/1 projects - and that Leiningen 2.0 was incorporating his lein-newnew plugin as the default 'new' task. He suggested I rewrite lein-fw1 as a templa[...]
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on 2/11/2012 11:54 AM
About a week ago, I blogged about how to get started with ClojureScript and FW/1 and I showed some basic DOM manipulation functions that go down to the JavaScript metal. In any real world project, you're not going to want to do that - you'll want to leverage a battle-tested, industrial-strength library for that... something like jQuery for example. Using an external JavaScript library with ClojureScript isn't entirely straightforward, unfortunately, mostly due to how names are exported [...]
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