Sean Corfield's blog articles

on 5/8/2012 12:38 AM
Your application is live but it isn't quite behaving the way you expect - what do you do? You'd like to instrument the code, you'd like to be able to run parts of your production code in the live environment and look at the output, you might even like to replace functions with updated code. How can you do that? With most languages, this would be very difficult. Lisp languages tend to make this possible and Clojure makes this possible on the JVM. You can run Clojure on Heroku and they've recentl[...]
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on 4/17/2012 11:42 PM
With Clojure 1.4.0 available and Leiningen 2 in preview, I felt it was time to update FW/1 and the FW/1 template to have updated dependencies. FW/1 now uses Clojure 1.4.0, Ring 1.0.2 and Enlive 1.0.0. The FW/1 template has been updated and verified for use with Leiningen 2 (as well as Leiningen 1.x). Both FW/1 and the FW/1 template are now at version 0.1.0 and available from Clojars. See the README on the respective Github repos for more details.
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on 4/15/2012 9:57 PM
A very small maintenance release: thrown exceptions are automatically unwrapped so you should no longer need to catch a RuntimeException when you're trying to catch a SQLException!
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on 4/15/2012 5:59 PM
Clojure 1.4.0 has been released and it includes several nice enhancements and some bug fixes. Everyone will have their favorites but mine include (in no particular order): mapv and filterv (which return vectors) and reduce-kv (can treat a vector as a collection of indexed pairs) require can take :refer and a list of symbols - or :all - so you no longer need to blanket 'use' a namespace *compiler-options* so you can disable locals clearing to improve the debugging experience = on char arguments, removing t[...]
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on 4/9/2012 2:24 PM
World Singles is looking for a smart, motivated developer to join our small, fully distributed team of engineers, working on our multi-lingual, multi-tenant Internet dating platform. We're after someone with strong data management skills who can help us mine and analyze data in both MySQL and MongoDB, as well as help us leverage both more effectively. For more details: The World Singles code base is a blend of CFML and Clojure - this role would be mainly on the Clojure side of[...]
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