Boris Kogan's blog articles

on 8/6/2023 4:26 PM
This concludes the two-part blog entry on turning HuggingFace into a deep learning playground (and we have not even talked about all the LMs they host!). Mostly it will be about Spaces, but we are starting with models. Models We train tons of models as we experiment with hyperparameters or redesign model structures and do … Continue reading HuggingFace. Models. Spaces. Part 2 →
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on 7/31/2023 11:26 AM
I have recently posted a video briefly explaining how we use GNNs (Graph Neural Nets) at Fetch to identify duplicate receipts. I have mentioned HuggingFace in passing there, but in fact I use it quite heavily to make my machine learning life simpler. The Problem: Suitcases Without Handles AI workloads are data heavy, involving large … Continue reading HuggingFace. The Perfect Lab. Part 1 →
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on 1/27/2023 6:45 PM
No training implementation is complete until it allows training on a cluster where each machine has multiple GPUs. Multi-node/Multi-GPU Training with PyTorch Lightning SageMaker does a great job enabling this in Script Mode, and all we have to do is write code that supports SageMaker SMDDP implementation of the distributed training DDP protocol. PyTorch Lighting … Continue reading Amazon SageMaker: Distributed Training →
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on 1/29/2022 5:37 PM
At Fetch we reward you for taking pictures of store and restaurant receipts. Our app needs to read and understand crumpled, dark, smudged, warped, skewed, creased, you get the “picture” images, taken in cars, in your lap, on the way out, while walking the dog, taking out the trash, doing your nails, etc.., etc. Not … Continue reading Amazon SageMaker: What Tutorials Don’t Teach →
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on 8/26/2019 10:30 PM
On a warm afternoon of October 23, 1975, one of the last days of Indian summer that year, Yozhik (aka Ejik, The Little Hedgehog) set out to visit his friend Medvezhonok (The Bear Cub). He was joining him, as he did every evening, for a night of stargazing. Only he never made a return journey … Continue reading A Deep Reinforcement Learning Journey Home. →
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