Sean Corfield (seancorfield)

Group AdminAuthorDeveloper

I started out developing compilers, interpreters and runtime systems in the 80's (mostly C and C++ but also some Lisp and other FP languages), then moved into database systems (mostly assembler!) and then telecoms (C++) before moving to web development in '97 (initially C++, then Java). More recently I've been using Groovy (2008-), Scala (2009-), Clojure (2010-).

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on 6/3/2014 8:58 PM
I've been involved with World Singles for about five years now, about three and a half years as a full-time engineer. The project was a green field rewrite of a dating system the company had evolved over about a decade that, back in 2009, was running on C[...]
on 5/20/2014 11:42 PM
cf.Objective() is over for another year and the reactions I've seen were all very positive. As a long-time member of the Steering Committee, that makes me very happy. This is the first time I've ever missed cf.Objective(). Yes, I've attended eight of the [...]
on 2/13/2014 11:03 PM
A very short post, partly as a reminder for my future self. Check out the following Leiningen plugins: lein-ancient - analyzes your project.clj and lets you know which dependencies are out of date. lein-exec - directly execute Clojure code snippets, or w[...]
on 1/31/2014 3:01 PM
I've been an advocate of diversity in IT for a long time. I'm very pleased to work in a company that has an above average ratio of female to male employees, as well as very diverse cultural backgrounds amongst our staff. In most tech communities, diversi[...]
on 1/31/2014 8:59 AM 0.3.3 is a minor bug fix release: JDBC-89 - calling query with a bare SQL string no longer causes an exception (or a crash with some drivers!). JDBC-87 - metadata-result is no longer lazy by default, and accepts :row-fn and :result-set-[...]
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