Neil Danson (neildanson)


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Neil's blog posts
on 5/18/2015 2:55 PM
I got some great feedback on my last blog post about using F#’s async feature to simplify state. One of the more interesting requests was from @FreeQaz who tweeted me: @neildanson I really enjoyed your article at about F# … Continue[...]
on 2/10/2015 12:40 AM
Now, let me start this post by saying I love XNA/Monogame. XNA was Microsoft’s first (and currently last) attempt to have a first class managed framework for writing games. Luckily the excellent Monogame project has picked up Microsoft’s slack and … Conti[...]
on 3/3/2014 9:59 PM
I was recently a guest on the .NET Rocks podcast and one of the things that came up was this notion in F# of “if it compiles – it works”. Given the constraints of time on the show (and technical … Continue reading →
on 2/20/2014 2:46 PM
I was recently given the opportunity to review the book F# for Quantitative Finance by Johan Astborg. Disclaimer: I work in the finance industry, but I don’t do “Quant stuff” for a living. I’m not going to review the correctness of the … Continue reading[...]
on 2/11/2014 1:47 PM
A little over a year ago I wrote a post about Roslyn. Recently (after seeing Mads Torgersen‘s excellent NDC-london talk) I was inspired to attempt to write my own mini-C# compiler to address some of the missing features in C#. … Continue reading →
Developer tags
- f# × 45
- c# × 31
- haskell × 21
- javascript × 13
- java × 8
- c++ × 6
- ocaml × 6
- python × 6
- scala × 5
- wpf × 5
- clojure × 4
- websharper × 4
- mvc × 3
- concurrent × 3
- scripting × 3
- unix × 3
- .net × 2
- attribute grammar × 2
- c × 2
- cabal × 2
- denotational design × 2
- ffi × 2
- formal verification × 2
- functional × 2
- html × 2
- lisp × 2
- machine learning × 2
- packaging × 2
- php × 2
- seo × 2
- sql × 2
- teaching × 2
- translation × 2
- type systems × 2
- web × 2
- web development × 2
- . × 1
- akka × 1
- arrows × 1
- × 1
- avl (& lbs) × 1
- boo × 1
- business × 1
- c/c++ × 1
- categories × 1
- cloud × 1
- common lisp × 1
- copywrite × 1
- css × 1
- cto × 1
- darcs × 1
- dart × 1
- ddd × 1
- dependency injection × 1
- design × 1
- design patterns × 1
- devexpress × 1
- devops × 1
- dsl design × 1
- dsls × 1
- elm × 1
- erlang × 1
- functional reactive programming × 1
- generic × 1
- go × 1
- gpu × 1
- http × 1
- idris × 1
- ios development × 1
- joomla × 1
- jquery/html5/css3 × 1
- link building × 1
- linq × 1
- lua × 1
- metaprogramming × 1
- natural language processing × 1
- numerical computation × 1
- painter × 1
- parallel (& concurrent prog.) × 1
- parallelism × 1
- parser combinators × 1
- passion × 1
- performance × 1
- perl × 1
- photographer × 1
- rest × 1
- ruby × 1
- s/w testing × 1
- silverlight × 1
- social networker × 1
- sockets (tcp) × 1
- software design & architecture × 1
- software development × 1
- solution design × 1
- system programming × 1
- technology × 1
- therapy baths of colorado × 1
- travel × 1
- unit testing × 1
- × 1
- vps hosting × 1
- wcf × 1
- website creation × 1
- wordpress hosting × 1
- writing × 1
- xamarin × 1
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