Don Syme's blog articles

on 1/30/2013 11:34 AM
Thursday night (31 Jan) at the F#unctional Londoners Meetup we have Zach Bray telling us all about FunScript, aka "F# to Javascript, the FunScript way!" This includes a cool integration of TypeScript metadata into F#-JavaScript programming using an F# type provider for TypeScript. Another way to look at that is that all those TypeScript programmers are now producing typed components for use from F# too :-)  All your types belong to us. Thanks guys!! FunScript lets you connect to Web APIs like Freebase and [...]
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on 1/23/2013 3:29 AM
I'm very pleased to see that the latest and greatest Try F# 3.0 has been released today!  Try F# is a web-based tool for learning and exploring F# 3.0, a simple and pragmatic programming language combining functional, object-oriented and information-rich programming. F# is open source and cross-platform, see the F# Software Foundation for details. Microsoft contribute to F# in multiple ways, including the Visual F# tools. This site allows easy learning of key F# principles, creating, editing and running F#[...]
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on 1/18/2013 5:16 PM
  The F# Open Source Group has developed a super-powerful F# Emacs mode, including Intellisense auto-completion, errors-in-current-file, go-to-definition and tooltip support for types/documentation for functions etc. This brings much of the power of F# visual editing to a more traditional (and very widely used) text-editor environment, across multiple platforms, and supports F# 3.0 including type providers etc. The work is nearing the end of the prototype phase and I'd encourage those of you who use Emacs [...]
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on 1/15/2013 9:49 AM
On Wednesday night, Keith Battocchi is in London to give a talk on.... Systems Information Programming Made Simple with the F# WMI Provider Sample Wednesday, January 16, SkillsMatter, London Can F# really be used like a strongly typed PowerShell? Come find out! If you're in London, please join the gang for the first talk of the New Year! More details here:    
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on 12/11/2012 7:30 AM
Tomorrow I'm at the F#unctional Londoners Meetup at SkillsMatter, doing an informal "deep dive" into the Freebase Type Provider. Kick off at 6:30 pm,The Skills Matter eXchange, 116-120 Goswell Road, EC1V 7DP, London (map) Do your home work before the event by reading this blog series and installing and using the Freebase Type Provider Don Don Syme will dig into the Freebase type provider! The session will be an informal deep dive into some or all of: Take a look at some of its features Walk through som[...]
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