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on 8/31/2020 10:45 AM
The rise of tooling for vulnerability detection combined with pressure driven by Vendor Due Diligence is causing a massive enterprise freezeout for non-mainstream technologies across the board. Of particular concern is the impact this will have on the ado[...]
on 10/31/2017 5:13 AM
there are functions out there more scary than unsafePerformIO and this is the tale of one of them: absurd. This powerful spell allows evil warlocks to conjure anything they want from the Void: but what does that mean? Is this even possible without using t[...]
on 10/17/2017 2:10 AM
If you used Haskell for some time you probably have seen Hoogle and used the Haddock Documentations before. But what if you want to take those with you (say you have no WiFi)? I like to install both things locally and stack is a really nice and quick way [...]
on 10/7/2015 12:57 AM
Die Wahl des richtigen Editors ist ja fast eine Glaubenssache – glücklicherweise bieten praktisch alle beliebten Editoren Haskell Unterstützung (zumindest Syntax-Highlighting). Ihr könnt für den Workshop also verwenden was ihr wollt, trotzdem möchte ich e[...]
on 10/5/2015 10:32 PM
Ich wollte ein paar Worte darüber verlieren, wie ihr am einfachsten Haskell auf euer System bekommt. Bevor ich anfange: für meinen Workshop auf dem Developer Open Space ist es ziemlich egal: wenn ihr GHCi zum laufen bekommt (extrem einfach) reicht das! vi[...]
on 10/5/2015 8:54 AM
Ich bin dieses Jahr wieder beim Developer Open Space in Leipzig, der vom 16. bis zum 18. Oktober stattfindet. Ich werde dieses Mal sogar am Freitag einen Workshop anbieten und würde mich freuen euch als Teilnehmer begrüßen zu dürfen 😉 Workshop Funktional[...]
on 9/5/2015 3:51 AM
Earlier in the year I came across a Stanford coding assignment inspired by Andrej Bauer’s Random Art. Pictures are built using randomly chosen mathematical expressions that take an x and y value and return a colour. The implementation on Andrej’s site use[...]
on 6/23/2015 3:59 AM
I wanted to play with ØMQ since @ph_j got me excited about it on the DWX15 last week. This is the result after a rainy lunch-break: Just a quick post on how I got ØMQ working on Windows with Haskell and .net/C# ;) Install / Windows First I grabbed the ins[...]
on 3/10/2015 4:33 AM
I just stumbled upon a blog-post where Mittal Patel solved this little puzzle using PHP: 100 people standing in a circle in an order 1 to 100. No. 1 has a sword. He kills next person (i.e. no. 2) and gives sword to next to next (i.e no. 3). All person doe[...]
on 12/17/2014 8:20 AM
On of my favorite perks of statically typed languagues is making invalid states unrepresentable. So instead of throwing exceptions at runtime, try to use types in such a way that you cannot even get invalid states to even compile. In a sense this is the b[...]

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