Sean Corfield's blog articles

on 8/7/2011 1:47 AM
Even tho' it's far from a 1.0 release, I've updated the cfmljure project on github to contain the latest version that we're using at World Singles and update the examples so they work again, along with updated instructions - mainly that the Clojure code needs to be in WEB-INF/classes/ so that it can be picked up dynamically. This is a fundamental piece of our infrastructure at World Singles, since we rely heavily on Clojure for the Model of our application, with our View-Controller in CFML. It's not intend[...]
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on 7/19/2011 1:12 PM
Hot on the heels of 0.0.4, here's another point release that fixes a compatibility issue with HSQLDB (thanx Aaron Bedra for finding this problem!) as well as allowing more control over the PreparedStatement in with-query-results: Changes in 0.0.5: Add prepare-statement function to ease creation of PreparedStatement with common options: see docstring for details with-query-results now allows the SQL/params vector to be: a PreparedStatement object, followed by any parameters the SQL needs a SQL query string[...]
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on 7/17/2011 2:09 PM
I've been a bit lapse in announcing new versions on my blog so, to rectify that, this post includes the full set of changes across all four dot releases so far (below). This is mostly a bug fix release, but it also lays the groundwork for exposing more control over the PreparedStatement used in queries, coming in one of the next few dot releases. In Leiningen, just add [org.clojure/java.jdbc "0.0.4"] to your :dependencies to use this latest release. Changes in 0.0.4: Fix JDBC-2 by allowing :table-spec {st[...]
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on 7/16/2011 11:16 PM
On July 13th, 2011 Robert C. Martin (aka "Uncle Bob") gave a talk at Skills Matter in London called The Last Programming Language. He was scheduled to give a version of it as the keynote for ACCU 2011, a conference I remember with fondness from my days back in England as a member of the Association of C and C++ Users! You can read Martin's blog post about the talk here but note there's a $2 charge to watch the version linked from that blog post - the Skills Matter version linked above is free. TL;DR: He as[...]
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on 7/2/2011 5:46 PM
At World Singles, like many other companies, we use a Power MTA server to handle the email we send out - because we send a lot of email every day. When you have a large user community that you email regularly, one of the problems you have to deal with is that users change or abandon their email accounts and you often end up with a lot of stale email addresses that you need to process. The Power MTA server produces a daily accounting log file that is a giant CSV file containing the delivery status of every [...]
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