F# Team's blog articles

on 11/13/2013 2:08 PM
 We're very pleased to announce the availability of the Deedle package for Data Frame and Time Series programming with F# and C#. Deedle is an open library developed by the F# community with the major contributors being BlueMountain Capital.  Here's an excerpt from the announcement by BlueMountain Capital yesterday:   Yesterday we announced Deedle, our new Open Source library for exploratory data analysis in C# and F#.  Deedle (almost) stands for “Dotnet Exploratory Data Library”.  This is a library with s[...]
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on 11/13/2013 11:52 AM
Microsoft Developer Platform Evangelism (DPE) and Fountainhead Events invite you to F# in Finance in London on 25th November! Register early!  There will be a matching event in New York on 11th December.     F# in Finance   Dates: Monday 25th November 2013, 8:00am to 6:15pm. Venue: Microsoft, Cardinal Place 80-100 Victoria St, London, SW1E 5JL. Twitter: @FountainheadLab, #FSharpInFinance   If you are interested in functional programming as it applies to finance (and also insurance too), this event is fo[...]
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on 11/12/2013 10:51 AM
Next Monday, November 18, at 6:30pm, Mathias Brandewinder will be on the Microsoft campus leading another of his popular F# machine learning events.  Come on by if you are in the Seattle area! In the meantime, if you are interested in F# for machine learning, check out some great resources at http://fsharp.org/machine-learning/ . Full details: http://www.meetup.com/FSharpSeattle/events/150356012/  Machine Learning is the art of writing programs that get better at performing a task as they gain expe[...]
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on 10/25/2013 7:01 AM
The F# Outlining extension to Visual Studio is an F# community extension to Visual Studio for use with Visual Studio 2010, 2012 and 2013 provided by Victor Milovanov. By installing this extension you can add standard code outlining and collapsing capabilities to Visual Studio. The extension has received good reviews on Visual Studio Gallery, and the author is accepting donations to encourage further development. The shortcuts keys for expand collapse are -Collapse current - CTRL+M, CTRL+SCollapse All - CTR[...]
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on 9/16/2013 5:22 AM
 A second F# meetup group has launched over the summer - the Paris-based Functional Programming in F# group. Learn how to take advantage of F# and .NET platform to develop a real world functional programs If you are beginner or an expert in FP it doesn't matter. You are welcome ! If you would like to contribute to the group, please join up - the group is still working out its schedule, so get involved now to help set the direction.  
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