Steffen Forkmann's blog articles

on 1/27/2013 8:11 AM
Today I released two new AssemblyInfo tasks for FAKE and marked the old one as obsolete. One advantage of the new tasks is that they only generate the specified attributes and no more. There are already a lot of predefined attributes but it’s also possible to specify new ones. Here is a small example:
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on 1/26/2013 4:47 AM
In this short sample I assume you have the latest version of FAKE in ./FAKE/tools/. Now consider the following small FAKE script: If you are on windows then create this small redirect script: On mono you can use: Now you can run FAKE targets easily from the command line: This gives us the power to [...]
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on 1/18/2013 7:57 AM
Today I’m happy to annouce that we have a new type provider in FSharpx. Yesterday I ported the WMI type provider from the F# sample pack and released it as a nuget package. This type provider allows to use Intellisense on data from the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). Create a new F# project in Visual [...]
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on 1/9/2013 8:35 AM
If you are using a source control system like git you probably don’t want to store all binary dependencies in it. With FAKE version 1.74 and above we can use nuget to download all dependent packages during the build. Setting the stage for nuget In order to download the packages during the build we need [...]
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on 1/6/2013 2:24 AM
The “Walkthrough: Creating and Interacting with a Page Web Service (OData)” shows how we can easily access Dynamics NAV OData from the default company: But somewhere in this process there seems to be a bug. If I want to access data from a different company I get a timeout: I found a workaround for this, [...]
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