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Blog articles of IntelliFactory

on 1/23/2019 12:25 AM
You can now specify full path templates for routers.
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on 12/19/2018 9:55 AM
Just a short week ago, we announced the first release of Bolero, enabling full-stack F# web development on WebAssembly. Since then we have been working on a small side project to see what it would take to implement a fully client-side implementation of the F# compiler: basically, to embed FSharp.Compiler.Services (FCS) in a small Bolero application.
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on 12/13/2018 3:52 AM
A new library to create F# web applications in WebAssembly via Blazor.
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on 12/9/2018 10:00 PM
A brief outline of the historical circumstances around WebSharper (just some notes in no particular order) that **position it for a bright future outlook**, and a quick glimple of what we are working on with it to advance the current state of F# web programming.
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on 10/30/2018 7:27 PM
Introducing dynamic templates for WebSharper.UI
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