When it comes to defining a generic map that works for all monads, I found that statically resolved typed parameters seems to be the best choice:

let inline fMap b f m =         
    let unit x    = (^x: (member Return: ^b -> ^n) b, x)    
    let (>>=) m f = (^x: (member Bind: ^m -> (^a -> ^n) -> ^n) b, m, f)
    m >>= (fun x -> unit (f x))


By on 3/30/2010 7:54 AM ()

Hi Anton,

F# (or the CLR) does not support the abstraction over type constructors that you need. Sometimes you can get around this using interfaces and subtyping but in my experience not often.

For defining monads, you should look at computation expressions, which are F#'s monads.

Note however, that the limitations you've run into apply equally well to computation expressions. For example, there's currenty no way in F# to write a generic monadic sequence, as in Haskell.


By on 11/24/2008 4:54 AM ()

Thanks Kurt for a prompt reply.

I'm aware of computational expressions but to me they look more like a syntactic feature, while I was looking for a type system feature, as I was building something of a typeclass library (typeclasses modulo typechecking).

So there is no systematic way to reduce such code with abstract type constructors to code with interfaces and subtyping? Pity.

But surely, even without generic constructors, one can write generic code in the way I did above, only now it becomes the programmer's responsibility to maintain a lot of dependencies in the type parameters like 'm_a = 'm<'a> and so on.

By on 11/24/2008 5:06 AM ()

You're right - computation expressions are primarily a syntactic feature in F#, not a first class abstraction like in Haskell.


So there is no systematic way to reduce such code with abstract type constructors to code with interfaces and subtyping?


Not that I know of, I would certainly be interested to see that.

(only tangentialy related) Incidentally, I did find this paper: [link:research.microsoft.com]

which shows a way to encode GADTs using OO concepts, but I haven't had the time to really look at it yet.


But surely, even without generic constructors, one can write generic code in the way I did above, only now it becomes the programmer's responsibility to maintain a lot of dependencies in the type parameters like 'm_a = 'm<'a> and so on.


Sure, but I guess it would become quite tedious to use and write. I don't think it would take long before you start thinking about code generation and the like.


By on 11/25/2008 1:17 AM ()
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