Onorio Catenacci (onorio.catenacci)

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on 5/7/2024 9:07 AM
What’s Least Privilege? Before diving in to the heart of this blog post I think it’s wise to explain what I mean by “Least Privilege” and why it’s worth while. I think it’s also worth discussing why you may not want to bother with it as well. The “Princip[...]
on 3/30/2022 6:49 AM
In conversations with people who are much smarter about education than am I, one idea that came up was this notion of foundational knowledge. To define “foundational knowledge” by analogy think of learning basic arithmetic. First you learn addition then s[...]
on 11/5/2021 1:54 PM
 The idea was that you set the colored piece of cardboard on the keyboard at a certain position and then by following the colors in a special songbook one could pick out a tune.
on 3/30/2021 7:52 AM
One thing Dr. Hermans mentioned in her book is retrieval practice. I have heard this term in other pedagogical literature. It basically means trying to remember some piece of information without reference to a memory aid.
on 10/2/2020 5:50 AM
I cannot be sure–I don’t know if there’s any formal diagnostic that a mental health professional can perform to diagnose impostor syndrome (assuming it’s even a recognized mental health concern). So I won’t say that I suffer from impostor syndrome but it’[...]
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