Frank Joppe (Frank Joppe)


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Frank's blog posts

on 9/28/2016 7:00 AM
About one year ago, I just finished looking at what was new in the world of mouses. I wondered whether there could be something new in the world of Keyboards.​Only one product appeared very different, which was the Beeraider Keyboard. But the product did [...]
on 6/27/2016 4:08 PM
I was asked to give a presentation at work about Akka.Net. Even though my audience is 100% C# loving, I will give a demonstration with F# code. I was already working on a project to rewrite “Three is a Crowd” to the Actor model in F#, and this presentatio[...]
on 6/16/2016 12:41 PM
It was one of those wow-moments when I learned that Fsharp is suitable for making a DSL, that actually appears readable. It looks better than one of those fluent interfaces with method chaining. I was really interested in making a DSL, just as a learning [...]
on 2/20/2016 3:30 PM
One of those things that I keep searching on the internet, for examples and Howto’s is, how do you hide stuff in Fsharp?Hiding stuff can be very useful. When you create a library, or a DSL, or perhaps a framework, you want to provide a good user-experienc[...]
on 10/20/2015 3:51 PM
Writing something in C# and then rewriting it in F#, almost nobody does that. I did.I used to write games in Silverlight. I didn't have any revenu, but I discovered that such projects are fun to do, and that you can pickup a lot of experience with all sor[...]

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