Scala Days 2013 / One API to rule them all

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Ismael Juma & Alois Cochard Designing a REST API for multiple applications and devices is typically an exercise in trade-offs. A single API offers efficiency in terms of building and maintenance costs; specialised APIs, though tedious to build, can be optimised for each particular use-case, removing unnecessary computational overheads. At Time Out (, we are experimenting with a Graph-based approach that takes full advantage of Scala's functionality to provide the best of both worlds: an optimised and flexible API with no boilerplate. In this talk, we discuss how your domain can be modeled as a graph and introduce Shona, a library which facilitates integration of data from heterogeneous data sources and links it together in a consistent and flexible Graph API. We compare Shona with other approaches (LinkedIn, Netflix and Facebook) highlighting its strengths along with possible areas for development.


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Ismael Juma (ismael.juma)


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