Progressive .NET Tutorials 2012 / Messaging - It's not just about Large Scale Integration

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When most people hear about messaging, they think about large distributed systems, message brokers, service buses - and that is certainly one use case. But messaging can be used in other contexts as well. And we will look at some of these. We will see how we can do dependency injection, aspect orientation and other trendy things without resorting to complicated frameworks. We will see how message passing allows us to follow object oriented principles. We will look at testing things without "touching" them and how messages can be used to define executable specifications that produce human readable reports. We will look at how these things can help in modelling and DDD. And finally, we will discuss how these concepts applied at a micro level can help us scale to much larger contexts while not having to throw away the baby with the bath water. In short, we will look at ways of applying messaging for things that traditionally don't - and the benefits of doing so.


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Ashic Mahtab (ashic.mahtab)


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