Blog articles

on 2/15/2012 7:13 AM
In this article we will discover how to emulate simple logic gates, and then build them up to form more complex circuits.  By the end of this 2-part article we will have created: - Half-bit adder - Full adder - n-bit ripple carry adder formed from full a[...]
on 2/14/2012 2:52 AM
The folks at SkillsMatter in London are hosting the Functional Programming eXchange 2012, on March 16, 2012, in London! Join the Functional Programming community for a one-day conference jam-packed with talks, open-space discussions and brainstorming. Lea[...]
on 2/12/2012 12:42 PM
Does your application have long context menus that get clipped inside small windows? First ask yourself is this the right user interface. If so then one solution is to add a vertical scroll bar automagically to the context menu. IntelliSense in Visual[...]
on 2/12/2012 5:14 AM
Intro I have been using F# for a year and a half or so now for all sorts of things - general tools, scripts and utilities for work,  XNA games / graphics / AI simulations, some async layers for rx-driven silverlight applications  and so forth.  I'm still [...]
on 2/11/2012 7:16 PM
I was chatting with @iorayne a.k.a. Raynes (IRC) a.k.a. Anthony Grimes today in #leiningen about changes required for plugins in the upcoming Leiningen 2.0 release. I was interested in updating my lein-fw1 plugin so it would work with both Leiningen 1.x a[...]
on 2/11/2012 11:54 AM
About a week ago, I blogged about how to get started with ClojureScript and FW/1 and I showed some basic DOM manipulation functions that go down to the JavaScript metal. In any real world project, you're not going to want to do that - you'll w[...]
on 2/11/2012 7:19 AM
The Problem: Not long I was asked for advice, because a problem-type in elementary math (indeed from a first-grader) proved to be quite a challenge for my nephew and I was if I had some quick tips. The problem is … Continue reading →
on 2/7/2012 6:01 AM
(or you get what you ordered) I had a major clash with a nasty bug (or so I thought) today: For a WPF application I had to load a image from some byte-array (loaded from a database) and show it. … Continue reading →
on 2/6/2012 4:54 AM
on 2/5/2012 6:32 PM
There's been quite a bit of buzz about ClojureScript since it's launch last July but it is a fast-moving target and a but daunting to get started with. Fortunately, there's a simple Leiningen plugin called lein-cljsbuild that can make it pretty [...]
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