What would be the right way to invoke the Websharper compiler in version 4? Can you provide a snippet like the one above?

By on 11/26/2016 1:42 PM ()

Thank you!

By on 11/26/2016 1:09 PM ()


try.websharper.com already uses WebSharper 4 beta, that's where the difference is coming from.

WS3 tranlates from F# quotations (ReflectedDefinition), and the F# compiler itself creates these extra-long form on complicated match expressions. WS3 is could have tried to optimize it away, but we never got around to implement this.

WS4 translates from source code (using FSharp.Compiler.Service) which does not have this issue, matches can usually be tranlated to switch statements which are in linear size to the original.

You can find the upgrade guide to WS4 here: WebSharper 3 to 4-beta update guide

By on 11/26/2016 7:17 AM ()
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