I'm just evaluating WebSharper. I don't see how it is going to work without such a fast update cycle on real projects which are usually quite large. Requirement to restart server after every change is daunting. While WebSharper is definetely much more polished than Fable, I probably will wait for Fable team to resolve configuration problems they have currently. Fable's architecture is much more flexible.

By on 11/20/2016 12:29 AM ()


Thanks, this is an interesting idea, indeed theoretically possible. But it is not trivial, as WebSharper compilation actually has two kinds of output: JavaScript and the metadata that server-side runtime uses locate RPC methods and de/serialize data received/sent to client. So it would need a FileSystemWatcher on the project's .cs files (F# does not have edit-and-continue afaik) but also some refactoring of the WebSharper runtime that it can reload metadata and erase all server-side caches when there is a new compilation.

I would look into the feasibility of this at some time, but I don't know when.

By on 11/3/2016 11:03 AM ()
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