When using #light and typing entries directly into F# Interactive you must place the ";;" on a separate line. This is a known bug. The known issues with #light in the current implementation are documented on the F# website..

When using #light with visual studio you don't need the ";;" at all.

Apologies for this inconsistency.


By on 9/26/2006 3:18 AM ()

I have added the following clarification to the head of the book chapter.

<i>[ Editors Note: there are a couple of minor issues that readers have spotted with the draft chapter<i> <UL><li><i>When using the F# Interactive console window with F# 1.1.12 you MUST currently place ";;" on a SEPARATE line, and not at the end of the line as shown in the book. When using it with Visual Studio you don't need the ";;" at all, as you can just highlight the text to execute and hit ALT-RETURN.<i> </li><li><i>F# Interactive does not print all values in exactly the same way as shown in the book . For example, variables bound by a "let" binding only have their types printed, and not their values. You have to type in the name of a value as an expression to actually see its value printed. <i><i>]<i></LI></UL>

By on 9/26/2006 6:31 AM ()
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