That's used when FSI is run from Visual Studio. There's not much difference to running FSI as a process - the input is still piped to FSI directly through its "stdin" input. A couple of extra settings can be specified such as the text encodings to use.

So at the moment the best you can do with FSI is start it up as a process and pipe code into it. That is not particuarly satisfactory from an engineering point of view but you can get a fair way with it.

However you might want to consider generating F# source code on the fly and loading it using the CodeDOM for F# (see the project on CodePlex) - it depends a bit on whether the fragments being created are controlled tool-generated fragments or whether you're trying to simulate a full scripting context. It also depends a bit on the number of fragments: FSI has relatively low per-fragment costs, while I believe CodeDOM loads each fragment as a new .NET assembly.


By on 3/1/2007 2:44 PM ()
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