I'll translate my ray tracer benchmark into F# and post the results ASAP.

By on 6/10/2007 3:03 PM ()

Hey Jon,

I apologize for being a little off topic and cheeky here but I was wondering how that Ray tracer benchmark was coming?

Are you so jazzed about Jocaml that you have forsaken us over here in the F# world?

I would also like to ask you about your thoughts about how the ocamlP3/jocaml multi-process implementations compare to F# (in terms of performance, ease of use)?

Is it true that jocaml relies on the Unix fork process command and thus cannot be ported to Windows?


By on 6/26/2007 7:49 AM ()

To cut to the chase, the Java and .NET approach to concurrency (using a single concurrent GC) works on Unix and Windows and offers the best performance for fine-grained concurrent applications but slows all allocations down by ~5x, does not scale to massive concurrency (millions of threads) and does not translate to distributed concurrency.

The OCaml/JoCaml approach to concurrency (forking processes using copy-on-write to give independent processes with their own GCs) works on Unix and offers the best performance for coarse-grained concurrent applications and is easily distributed but does not work on Windows, slows down fine-grained concurrent applications and also does not scale to massive concurrency.

The Erlang approach to concurrency (independent mini-GCs with unidirectional heaps) scales to massively concurrent applications but imposes more intrusive rules on the programmer (e.g. no cycles in the heap).

So there is no clear winner.

Note that functional programming languages compiling idiomatic functional programs to .NET will give pathologically bad performance due to their heavy allocation of short-lived objects.

I predict that the first F# translations on the Great Computer Language Shootout will be minimal translations of the OCaml implementations. As a consequence of the above, this will show F# in an unfairly-poor light because the programs will need reoptimizing (by avoiding rapid allocation at all costs). Another problem is that the shootout tasks are sufficiently ill-specified that most of the programs can be arbitrarily optimized away. Consequently, the maintainers are forced to subjectively reject submissions and, I suspect, they will reject most of the F#-specific optimizations.

Although it is interesting for a few people to compare the performance of OCaml and F#, the vast majority of people interested in F# are currently using C++ and C# rather than OCaml (statistics from the F# Journal survey). At least for the C# programmers, relative performance will be of little interest!

Finally, I should say that the factor of 5 that I referred to above is taken from the Sudoku Solver application articles in the OCaml and F# Journals. The implementations of the idiomatic purely functional solver algorithm are identical in both languages and the OCaml is 5x faster. The F# could be optimized by using a more sophisticated representation of a heap with more preallocated memory and larger chunks but this was not necessary in practice because all Sudoku puzzles can be solved in <0.01s, so the GUI remains responsive.


By on 7/10/2007 2:54 PM ()

I've been using F#/Mono on OS X off and on. My understanding of the poor performance there revolves around three issues.

  1. Mono Garbage Collection. The mono runtime still uses Boehm's conservative garbage collector. While that collector is well written, understood by industry, etc. it is not a compacting collector, which means it does not give you the "free" locality of reference boost that Microsoft's CLR does. I suppose the amount of garbage created by each benchmark would influence the delta between Mono & CLR; does this stand up? I am not sure what the mono team's plans on replacing the GC are.
  2. Less impressive JIT compiler. Besides diving into very deep binary debugging sessions, I'm not sure how to evaluate the quality of the code produced by the mono JIT compiler, but this presentation suggests that it does very little optmization. This might make all the difference.
  3. No Generics(?). Since ahead-of-time compilation with .NET 2.0 features is not yet supported on Mono, perhaps the F# compiler is working at a disadvantage here? (Question mark because this comment may be out of date. Things change so fast!)

I'd be curious to see your speculation on which of the above (or none of the above!) factors is affecting the difference between the CLR and Mono versions.

By on 6/6/2007 1:29 PM ()

Thanks for sharing the results of this study, while I agree that these kind of results should generally be taken if a pinch of salt, I think these kind of benmarks do serve a purpose, in that taking carefully taking a benchmark and refining your program then retaking the benchmark is pretty much the only way to address preformance issues.

It is interesting that pidigits test does not preform very well, I know the F# team were looking at improving this, it has already been discussed on this thread here:

By on 6/4/2007 2:39 AM ()

Hi guys

Thanks for the analysis - and good caveats.

I took a look at pidigits last night and found numerous improvements that can be made to the BigInt implementation - neow about 40% faster. We'll get those fixes into the next release.

Kind regards


By on 6/4/2007 7:51 PM ()
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