
As far as I know, it's not possible (at least, it's not possible in Caml). I recommend you to use a list (or array) instead. You'll get exactly the same behaviour (not the same syntax, but it's as short). The printf function is a bit special, since the number of arguments depends on the string format. This is checked by the compiler, but you can't declare other functions like this one.


By on 7/13/2007 7:33 AM ()

Hi Laurent

You'll get exactly the same behaviour (not the same syntax, but it's as short)

This is indeed a shame, I am working on a project where the layout of the syntax most critical and it could really benefit from this feature. I shall have to look in to using some sort of recursive functional datatype instead, but it would have been simple the other way! :(


By on 7/13/2007 8:21 PM ()
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