Hi Matt,

Why not just use the Set module to compute the intersection?

let set1 = Set.of_list [ 1 .. 40000 ]
let set2 = Set.of_list [ 20000 .. 60000 ]
let intersect = Set.inter set1 set2
let intersect_list = Set.to_list intersect
print_any intersect_list

The other option would be to refactor your code to ensure your function is tail recusive (ie the recursive call must always be the last call you make), tail recusive function never stack over flow. However this can be a little tricky.


By on 8/10/2007 7:13 AM ()

Hi Rob,

Thanks for your quick response (as always). You need hardly guess, but actually the problem is a little more complex than I presented. The code presented is an oversimplification that hides some of the ugliness of my ADT away. One of the reasons for using lists over sets as a base type is that there is likely to be double entires involved and I have a consistent way of working with them that the set intersection does not. Pitty though.

Anyway, thanks for your suggestion to refactor my code to be tail recursive. A quick Google and some fast coding solved the problem. For anyone interested, the important thing I found was a quote from IBM on XSL programming: "The basic idea behind Tail Recursion is to eliminate the storage of any state information across the recursive steps. All information that would ever be needed at any single step is passed as a parameter to the function instead of being stored at some higher level in the recursion stack." IMHO this is actually quite straightforward to do, it just requires introducing a "state parameter" into the function and seeding it:


let AinB listA listB  =
  RecAinB listA listB []
let rec RecAinB listA listB retList =
  if       listA = [] then retList
  else if  listB = [] then retList
  else if  listA.Head < listB.Head then AinB listA.Tail listB retList
  else if  listA.Head > listB.Head then AinB listA listB.Tail retList
  else    AinB listA.tail listB (listA.Head :: retList) 

Again this is an oversimplification of what my code is doing, but the principal is the same.

Thanks again!

By on 8/10/2007 7:54 AM ()
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