System.Windows.Forms.dll is one several dll that is reference automatically by the compiler. The full list is available here:

The way to add extra reference is to use the compilers -r switch, this is also the case when use the IDE as the visual studio intergration just isn't that advanced yet. You can stops these libraries being reference by default using the compilers --no-framework switch and you can control which version version of this assemblies you use (if you want to use another CLI implemention rotar/mono/sliverlight) using the --cli-version and --clr-root swithes.


By on 10/18/2007 12:35 AM ()

The compiler also supports -R (upper-case), which will make a local copy of the referenced assembly.

By on 10/18/2007 6:01 PM ()

Thanks! I am so completely stoked for F#... functional programming + the best IDE on the market + .NET Framework libraries = win.

By on 10/18/2007 10:25 AM ()
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