1. The only advantage I can think of using WebSharper.Html right now instead of UI.Next is to have server-side templating that you can edit without having to recompile your application. Once this functionality is carried over to UI.Next, then there will be no reason to use WebSharper.Html for new projects. On the client side, UI.Next is already a superset of WS.Html in terms of functionality.

  2. By "sortable" do you mean JQueryUI Sortable? I don't think it is designed for large datasets, as I doubt it avoids rendering non-visible items. SlickGrid, for which we have a binding in the Insider Program, supports large datasets. Or you can look into writing a small extension for something like DataTables.

  3. I use Mozilla's MDN a lot myself. I have never been much of a physical book user though, so I can't really advise you in this regard.
By on 5/17/2016 6:25 AM ()
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