I got the same problem. Also using Client Server template.

This is certainly not a solution, but as a quick hack, I just made a FSharpSource symbolic link (mklink /d) to the source directory ... and it worked beautifully in Visual Studio!

By on 10/13/2015 4:17 PM ()

I am a bit confused here, there is no csprojin the Client-Server template, at least not in the template shipped with WebSharper 3.4.8 and on.

So here is what I did in my version:

  1. I added these in my fsproj file:

    <WebSharperProject>Site</WebSharperProject>  // Find this line
  2. Reloaded the project, compiled, and started the app.

  3. I made sure that the Enable JavaScript source maps option is turned on in my Chrome developer tools options.

  4. Then under the Sources section, I can see the WebSharper sources under FSharpSource, including the main Client.fs file under the namespace I have for my project (Application4) and I am able to set breakpoints correctly.

Hope this helps.

By on 8/17/2015 3:05 PM ()

Thank you Adam. I am sorry for confusion. I am used to work with csharp, here fsproj is correct. Anyway, I followed the steps as you defined above, however I am still missing the folder with my namespace (Application4 in your example). Could that be related to IISExpress for instance?

By on 8/18/2015 11:28 AM ()

Does the app work otherwise? If not, please zip the whole solution and drop a URL to it here, will try to take a look.

By on 8/18/2015 11:58 AM ()

The app works correctly. I did not even change a line of code form the Client-server template. The only thing which is the issue is the mapping of sources in browser. Would it be convenient to share the zip e.g. by google drive or send it to you by email?

By on 8/18/2015 1:33 PM ()

Either way works, or just tweet/DM it to @websharper or @granicz.

By on 8/21/2015 3:42 AM ()

Here is the link to zip: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B_qVwEmWusCGfldNeGVFT3hZbzBkV0dIZmoxUHd1ZDBOVXVsb1cwWl9DUllINmV1VmxVVmM&usp=sharing_eid. Thank you.

By on 8/21/2015 11:48 AM ()

Hi, I am using VS 2012. Template is "Client-Server Application". As for the OtherFlags, maybe I put it in a wrong place in fsproj, since I got compilation error.

By on 8/17/2015 2:54 AM ()

I have it in the first PropertyGroup along with WebSharperProject and WebSharperSourceMap.

By on 8/17/2015 2:58 AM ()

I tried to add the <OtherFlags>--quotations-debug</OtherFlags> and even <OtherFlags>--quotations:debug</OtherFlags> into Property group along with WebSharperSourceMap. However, the same result as before. I can't see the folder with my namespace.

By on 8/17/2015 10:41 AM ()

OtherFlags should go into the fsproj as well.

Are you using Visual Studio? If so, which template?

By on 8/17/2015 2:18 AM ()
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