Fastest would be to install MonoDevelop or Xamarin Studio, install the WebSharper templates into it, and try the Warp blog examples using either the self-hosted client-server application template (recommended) or the plain client-server one (which then you need to run in an ASP.NET-compatible web container.)

Without Xamarin Studio and the project templates at hand, it's a bit more tricky: you need the equivalent project files (e.g. the "template") and mono xbuild to build them. Right now, you need to resort to cloning the client-server template(which needs a web server) we used for the Deploying WebSharper apps to Azure via GitHub blog entry, bring the Paket dependencies to the latest, and go from there.

All in all, we need to provide a much easier way to get our various template projects. A couple ideas came up for this: using a common scaffolding tool that is widely available (Yeoman, for instance), or a separate ws-install tool to grab the latest template of the user's choice. In the meantime, let me know if you get stuck, and I can send you all the current templates as a ZIP.

By on 8/2/2015 2:26 PM ()

Thanks, Adam.

Looks like I may be better off starting with Visual Studio! (And I can come back to mono after getting to the stage of deploying apps). I just setup a Parallels VM (running Windows on OSX) and installed Visual Studio 2015 and the WebSharper extension. Building the template project give me `error MSB4036: The "WebSharperTask" task was not found`.

I've posted the full build log in StackOverflow: []

By on 8/2/2015 8:30 PM ()

It is possibly an issue with MSBuild + Parallels file system, so that the relative path in the WebSharper.targets file $(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)/../tools/net40/WebSharper.MSBuild.dll can't be resolved. Sorry, I can't test this locally.

Just an idea: you could try adding an absolute path to the task dll by setting <WebSharperTaskAssembly>\\psf\Home\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\UINextApplication1\packages\WebSharper.\tools\net40\WebSharper.MSBuild.dll</WebSharperTaskAssembly> in your fsproj file. (inside the top, non-conditional <PropertyGroup>)

By on 8/3/2015 7:27 AM ()

This may be a Parallels issue, will look into this.

By on 8/3/2015 5:43 AM ()

Yes, that's a Parallels issue. If you copy the code into the Windows VM folder structure, it should work just fine.

By on 8/4/2015 1:05 PM ()
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