I can't test this on Linux atm but if you start the app with Warp.RunAndWaitForInput from terminal then press Ctrl+Z and put it in the background with bg does the same thing happen?

By on 7/27/2015 1:44 AM ()

If I hit Ctrl-Z and put the application in the background with bg, the process appears to be listening on port 9000, but not responding in any way. If I fg the application, it responds. (I just checked and this appears to be the same behavior when using & -- it actually has claimed port 9000, but any request made to that port just hangs with no response.)

By on 7/27/2015 1:57 PM ()

I figured out a (somewhat baroque) way to accomplish this, by creating a start.sh script which I put in the background. The start.sh script is as follows:


screen -D -m mono -O=all bin/Release/websharper-app.exe

By on 7/29/2015 8:55 PM ()

Still didn't get around to try this on mono so no idea why & wouldn't work but I'm glad you solved it.

By on 7/30/2015 1:37 AM ()

This is documented behavior: If a process is waiting for input while it is backgrounded, it receives SIGTTIN and is stopped.

By on 7/30/2015 6:00 PM ()
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