WebSharper uses jQuery for DOM manipulation by default, or putting it the WebSharper way it is the "built-in DOM provider". Therefore, all WebSharper apps using the standard WebSharper.Html.Client language, by default, will link to jQuery. There is a way to switch in new DOM providers, but this is a highly experimental feature that hasn't been used/tested (and thus enabled) much, and there are known deficiencies such as compatibility for RPCs.

However, this wouldn't work with the current implementation of UI.Next and thus for UI.Next apps, since UI.Next uses a different, reactive DOM language (WebSharper.UI.Next.Html), and not WebSharper.Html.Client.

By on 4/21/2015 12:25 PM ()

To be more clear, you can't remove jQuery from UI.Next apps at the moment.

By on 4/21/2015 12:30 PM ()

That makes sense. Thanks alot, and great work. I love WebSharper so far!

By on 4/21/2015 1:39 PM ()
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