FYI, the bit about the ? operator in the extension template has been added as issue #303 in the tracker.

By on 11/28/2014 11:42 AM ()
  • For the ? naming, the issue is that WIG's definition of ? is overridden by (?) : obj -> string -> 'a, which is defined in IntelliFactory.WebSharper to access object fields in client-side objects (a?x compiles to a.x in JavaScript). The solution is to remove open IntelliFactory.WebSharper from your WIG file.

    This is actually something that we need to fix in the WIG project template: the namespace IntelliFactory.WebSharper should not be opened.

    Edit: I added an issue to the tracker for the WIG extension project template.

  • For the interfaces issue, what happens is that Generic / fun ... itself returns a function, that you can apply as follows:

let I2Interface =
	Generic / fun t1 ->
    	Interface "I2"
        |=> Extends [ I1 t1 ]
        // ...
By on 11/28/2014 11:34 AM ()
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