Intriguing. Do you have any error message in the JavaScript console? A failed request maybe?

By on 10/15/2014 10:13 AM ()

No error message. the app simply does not load with the rest of the page. When you look at the generated HTML, the control is there, but not shown on the screen. When I only have my chart control in the source code, it loads fine. When I add the JQueryUI control (with or without the chart control) to the source code, none of the javascript controls from websharper are present on the screen.

By on 10/15/2014 12:49 PM ()

In the latter case, do you have the generated WebSharper dependencies in the head section of the page you are loading? No controls showing up is typically due to that.

By on 10/17/2014 6:45 AM ()

Yes, they are in the head section.

<head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><meta name="description" content=""><meta id='websharper-data' name='websharper-data' content='{"$TYPES":[["WorldBank","xWBMetaViewer"],["WorldBank","WBViewer"]],"$DATA":{"$V":{"ws1885613326":{"$T":0,"$V":{"isR":true,"id":"ws1885613326"}},"ws979443982":{"$T":1,"$V":{"isR":true,"id":"ws979443982"}}}}}' />
<script src="/Scripts/WebSharper/IntelliFactory.JavaScript/Runtime.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8">
By on 10/17/2014 12:52 PM ()

So these seem incomplete, next to Runtime.min.js there should be a bunch of other dependencies inlined.

Is that all you are getting, and if not, can you paste here the entire head section?

By on 11/28/2014 11:10 AM ()
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